Reinhardstrasse 12, 8008 Zürich
Opening Hours
* With exceptions
Fixed desk: 350CHF/month
Flex Non-Members: 300 CHF/month
Flex SNA Members: 250 CHF/month
Day Pass Non-Members: 40 CHF
Day Pass SNA Members: 20 CHF
Total seats
20 people per session (Guaranteed spots available)
Fast internet, free coffee, free screens for your laptop, couch hang out area, vending machine, 5 minutes away from train station & lake
Unlock Benefits
Become a
SNA Member
- 50 CHF Monthly discount on co-working
- Network and collaborate
- Tap into a large partner network
- Chance to win tickets for known conferences
- Discount for SNA events
- Join Working Groups
The Space
The design of the SNA's co-working space promotes an inviting and collaborative working atmosphere. Biophillic elements, textured textiles, and hints of color activate the look and soften the acoustics of the interior. More than simply a co-working space, it is a community hub for Swiss NFT Association members to create, explore and learn.